1. Introduction

The global economy faces an unprecedented level of complexity, driven by escalating debt, inflation, and widening inequality. These structural challenges make financial independence difficult for individuals and communities worldwide.

Global debt has surpassed $315 (315,000,000,000,000) trillion in 2024, leading to unsustainable economic policies. Traditional financial systems perpetuate these problems, increasing inefficiencies, and suffering from a lack of transparency.

Additionally, as artificial intelligence (AI) and automation continue to devastate job markets, millions of people are seeking alternative means to generate income, further increasing the strain on legacy financial systems. The need for a transformative, transparent, and inclusive financial ecosystem has never been more prevalent.


Income Layer's vision is to revolutionize the global financial system by offering a decentralized infrastructure built on blockchain technology and tokenization. This system aims to provide a true Universal Basic Income (UBI) that is fair, sustainable, and transparent. By enabling Economic Harmony (EH), our proprietary algorithm and economic model, the platform ensures that income distribution is balanced in real-time with liquidity generation, deflation and ecosystem growth, making it adaptable and resilient against market volatility and the concept of a bank-run.

Key Objectives

The primary objectives of Income Layer are as follows:

  • Global UBI Distribution: Deliver UBI to participants worldwide, enabling financial independence for individuals and organizations.

  • Decentralized Ecosystem: Build a financial ecosystem that is decentralized, transparent, and governed by participants (Node Champions).

  • Economic Harmony (EH): Maintain a balanced and sustainable economic model that adjusts to the ecosystem’s needs in real time, ensuring long-term viability.

  • Transparency and Security: Utilize blockchain technology to provide an immutable and transparent financial system that combats global debt and inflation.

  • Accessibility: Offer broad accessibility through web, mobile, and a Telegram mini-app, ensuring that anyone can easily participate in the ecosystem, regardless of their technical expertise.

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